POOTHAMKUTTY: Annual General Body Meeting of the St.Mary's JSC Church, Poothamkutty was held on Sunday, the 24th February, 2013 soon after the Holy Qurbana by the Vicar Rev.Fr.Alias Ipe Parackal. The Meeting began with opening prayer and introductory speech by the Vicar. T.M. Jacob, Secretary of the parish presented the annual report followed by annual statement of income and expenditure which were passed unanimously. The General Body, after discussions and deliberations, decided to move forward with the recommendations of the sub-committee to prepare the modalities for further construction work particularly, the construction of a new cross-vault at the southern side of poothamkutty-Thabore area. Possibilities of a shopping complex-cum-auditorium have been put forward for which a committee has constituted to study the same. The General Body reiterated unflinching loyalty to the Holy throne of Antioch and all the East, the Patriarch and all prelates of the Syrian Orthodox Church, across the globe and also to the Regional Head, H.B. Catholicose and all Metropolitans of the Church in Malankara. The Vicar, on behalf of the parish, extended support for all the efforts to maintain peace and tranquillity in the Church at large. The General Body unanimously requested the existing office bearers to continue for another turn. The meeting ended with prayer and benediction by the Vicar.