POOTHAMKUTTY: Ahead of the commencement of new academic year, a meeting of the Sunday School Teachers was held at the St.Mary's JSO Christian Church, Poothamkutty on Sunday, the 8th January, 2012 soon after the Holy Qurbana. The Meeting was chaired by the Vicar Rev.Fr. Alias Ipe Parackal. Mr. Eldho, the Headmaster of the St.Mary's Sunday school made the welcome address highlighting the merits and demerits of the previous year. In his key-note address, Rev.Fr. Alias Ipe Parackal emphasized the urgency of new pedagogical methods which will enable the Sunday school children accumulate a profound understanding about the basic tenets of Christian education as well as the ethical and praxis implications of the holy Bible. He congratulated all the teachers who efficiently rendered their talents, health and valuable time for the spiritual budding of the children at large. An assessment was held over the multi-faced activities implemented for the spiritual upliftment of the children last year and new creative programmes also chalked out for the New Year.Discussions on new approaches to children to enrich them in spiritual sphere were held in the meeting. All teachers attended the meeting with keen interest and vigour. Meritorious children (toppers) were honoured with trophies and prizes. Meeting ended with prayer.