ANGAMALY: The Second sitting of the "Vinjanamithra"-a value education venture of the Angamaly region Suvisheshasangam of the Angamaly diocese was held on Saturday, the 9th June 2012 at Mor Ignatius JSO Church Parish Hall, Cheriyavappalassery. H.G. Mor Julius Alias Metropolitan, inaugurated the meeting and shared his personal experiences with the students in a very lucid and interesting mode. "Students ought to love novel ideas as well as good friends for they both endow us with newer potential to move forward-positively up to the desired goal"-Mor Julius exhorted. The meeting was arranged for the benefit of higher secondary school students. The third of its kind will be held in September.
Rev.Fr.Alias Ipe Parackal, Director of the Youth Mission made the opening prayer and the key-note address. Rev.Fr.Alias Areeckal,the Vicar, Mr.Shyjan, Mr.Benoy Malayattoor, Mr.Eldhose Mathew, Mr.John Varghese,Mr.T.M.Varghese spoke on the occasion.